Undertale 2




If you look at what is happening in Undertale 2 for the first time, the whole thing may seem like some weird dream to you. On the small screen, either a little girl or a boy named Frisk fights with frogs and some crying mosquitoes, communicates with a bipedal goat, or a cow named Toriel and solves the riddles of the level aka “find the green button behind the column” or “move the stone to the platform.” And he also periodically falls through holes in the floor and comes back to find the right path – and so repeat ten times.

Mosquitoes and frogs can be spared and not killed, Toriel is allowed to talk on the phone, and at the entrance you are greeted by a talking flower, as if it had escaped from the filming of a horror movie. All this is complemented by jokes like “Why is the skeleton so sad? Because he feels loneliness ”and the next plot tie. Once, people and monsters lived in peace, but then they quarreled, and all the furry, clawed and other animals and strange creatures were driven underground. Frisk fell into this dungeon, and now she needs to somehow get out back.

All role-playing GOST standards are in place. Periodically, the character is attacked by enemies, for victories in turn-based battles (somewhat remotely reminiscent of Wizardry), he receives experience points and coins for which you can buy something from merchants. On the spot and automatic pumping of characteristics with increasing levels, and fights with “bosses”, and chests, and hotels where they are allowed to rest.

But you can make friends with the “boss”, and then write down his simple number on the phone. And when in the first shop you press the “Sell” button, the mustachioed and furry tradeswoman will ask: “Am I the pawnshop, or what?” There is a hotel next to the shop, whose owner’s son tells you: “Mom assures you that sleep can restore your health to maximum HP. What is OZ? ” And as a healing potion, a piece of a snowman can act here. And the more you bite off of him, the less he becomes and the more pity he is… This is a real adventure that will keep you mesmerized from the very first minutes. Start playing it right now and see for yourself!

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