



The Dark World shown in DeltaRune is charming, profound and, well, cute. And one of the characters that makes it particularly so is Ralsei, Prince from the Dark. He is the second playable hero that can use magic, namely such useful spells as Pacify and Heal Prayer. Oddly enough, but not too odd for this game, he can also fight with his scarf.

However, he doesn’t resolve to this weapon too frequently. That’s because Ralsei doesn’t like violence and prefers to solve conflicts in a peaceful way. Although he is a monster, he is rather kind-hearted, especially to his friends. He sincerely believes in the legend that deems Kris and Susie as prophetic warriors and wants them to behave accordingly. And two more super cute things – he can be hugged (he is very fluffy) and he loves baking pies.

Kris and Susie meet him shortly after entering the Dark World. At first he doesn’t reveal his true personality and asks them if they’d like to listen to the legend. You can make any choice, as usual in this game. It’s Ralsei who teaches Kris everything he needs to know about fighting in DeltaRune. He accompanies him every step of the journey and always helps him in a fix. Play online to find out more about Ralsei and other heroes!

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