



Have you already played DeltaRune, the recently released and already widely popular sequel to Undertale? Here you will be playing as a little boy named Kris who is the main hero of the game. He is a quiet and weird kid. At the beginning, we can see his room that he shares with his brother. And the first thing that catches our eye is that his part of the room is awfully empty and colorless compared to the other. But maybe his self-reservedness and introversion are the traits that actually helped Kris discover the hidden magical kingdom and change things around there.

Other characters of the game talk differently about Kris. Some call him a good person, others a dreadful child. But anyway, all of the other heroes follow his lead as he travels through the kingdom. Even the king himself listens to his orders in the battle. That’s why we can conclude that the dwellers of the magical land see him as a kind of messiah that has been sent to rescue them. And that’s not far from truth because, depending on your decisions and actions, you can either return the kingdom to its former glory or send it even deeper into ruin. It’s your choice! Play DeltaRune online and follow Kris and his adventures!

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